Translations:KAVAN V20 + ETHOS™ - User manual/842/en: Difference between revisions

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Neexistují žádné výchozí křivky (kromě křivky Expo, která je integrována). Klepnutím na tlačítko "+" přidáte novou křivku. Klepnutím na seznam křivek se zobrazí dialogové okno umožňující upravit, přesunout, kopírovat, klonovat nebo odstranit označenou křivku. Můžete také přidat další křivku.
There are no default curves (except Expo which is built in). Tap on the ‘+’ button to add a new curve. Tapping on a list of curves brings up a dialog allowing you to Edit, Move, Copy, Clone or Delete the highlighted curve. You can also add another curve.

Latest revision as of 11:30, 19 March 2024

Message definition (KAVAN V20 + ETHOS™ - User manual)
There are no default curves (except Expo which is built in). Tap on the ‘+’ button to add a new curve. Tapping on a list of curves brings up a dialog allowing you to Edit, Move, Copy, Clone or Delete the highlighted curve. You can also add another curve.

There are no default curves (except Expo which is built in). Tap on the ‘+’ button to add a new curve. Tapping on a list of curves brings up a dialog allowing you to Edit, Move, Copy, Clone or Delete the highlighted curve. You can also add another curve.