Translations:KAVAN V20 + ETHOS™ - User manual/937/en: Difference between revisions

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=== Přidání vlastních widgetů ===
=== Adding custom widgets ===
Vlastní widgety jsou obvykle skripty lua, které mají obvykle podobu jediného souboru main.lua, který je obvykle uložen v podsložce s názvem naznačujícím jeho funkčnost. Tato podsložka by měla být zkopírována do složky 'scripts' na kartě SD. Widget bude automaticky zaregistrován při spuštění. Pomocí nástroje Nastavení obrazovky pak lze widget konfigurovat jako kterýkoli jiný.
Custom widgets are typically lua scripts which normally come in the form of a single ‘main.lua’ file, which is commonly kept in a subfolder with a name that suggest its functionality. This subfolder should be copied to the ‘scripts’ folder on the SD card. The widget will be automatically registered at startup. Configure Screens can then be used to configure the widget like any other.

Latest revision as of 11:30, 19 March 2024

Message definition (KAVAN V20 + ETHOS™ - User manual)
=== Adding custom widgets ===
Custom widgets are typically lua scripts which normally come in the form of a single ‘main.lua’ file, which is commonly kept in a subfolder with a name that suggest its functionality. This subfolder should be copied to the ‘scripts’ folder on the SD card. The widget will be automatically registered at startup. Configure Screens can then be used to configure the widget like any other.

Adding custom widgets

Custom widgets are typically lua scripts which normally come in the form of a single ‘main.lua’ file, which is commonly kept in a subfolder with a name that suggest its functionality. This subfolder should be copied to the ‘scripts’ folder on the SD card. The widget will be automatically registered at startup. Configure Screens can then be used to configure the widget like any other.