Translations:KAVAN V20 + ETHOS™ - User manual/280/en: Difference between revisions

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===== '''Trim pro nízkou polohu''' =====
===== '''Low Position Trim''' =====
U žhavicích a spalovacích motorů se pro nastavení volnoběžných otáček používá „Nízká poloha trimu“. Volnoběžné otáčky se mohou lišit v závislosti na počasí atd., takže je důležité mít způsob, jak nastavit volnoběžné otáčky bez dopadu na polohu plného plynu. Pokud je povolena funkce „Nízká poloha trimu“, plynový kanál přejde do polohy volnoběhu -75 %, když je páka plynu v dolní poloze (viz zobrazení panelu kanálu ve spodní části snímku obrazovky výše). Páčkou trimu plynu lze poté nastavit volnoběžné otáčky mezi -100 % a -50 %. Funkce škrticí klapka pak může být nakonfigurována pro vypnutí motoru pomocí spínače.
For glow and gas engines the '''Low position trim''' is used to adjust the idle speed. The idle speed can vary depending on the weather, etc., so having a way to adjust the idle speed without impacting the full throttle position is important. If 'Low position trim' is enabled, the throttle channel goes to an idle position of -75% when the throttle stick is at the low position (please refer to the channel bar display at the bottom of the screenshot above). The throttle trim lever can then be used to adjust the idle speed between -100% and -50%. Throttle Cut can then be configured to cut the engine with a switch.

Revision as of 12:47, 18 March 2024

Message definition (KAVAN V20 + ETHOS™ - User manual)
===== Low position trim =====
For glow and gas engines the '''Low position trim''' is used to adjust the idle speed. The idle speed can vary depending on the weather, etc., so having a way to adjust the idle speed without impacting the full throttle position is important. If 'Low position trim' is enabled, the throttle channel goes to an idle position of -75% when the throttle stick is at the low position (please refer to the channel bar display at the bottom of the screenshot above). The throttle trim lever can then be used to adjust the idle speed between -100% and -50%. Throttle Cut can then be configured to cut the engine with a switch.
Low Position Trim

For glow and gas engines the Low position trim is used to adjust the idle speed. The idle speed can vary depending on the weather, etc., so having a way to adjust the idle speed without impacting the full throttle position is important. If 'Low position trim' is enabled, the throttle channel goes to an idle position of -75% when the throttle stick is at the low position (please refer to the channel bar display at the bottom of the screenshot above). The throttle trim lever can then be used to adjust the idle speed between -100% and -50%. Throttle Cut can then be configured to cut the engine with a switch.