KAVAN R10 - Návod k použití

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Gratulujeme vám k zakoupení 10kanálového telemetrického přijímače KAVAN R10. Pracuje na 2,4 GHz simultánním dvoufrekvenčním přenosovém systému Twin 2.4GHz. Disponuje 10 vysoce precizními PWM kanály a 16 nebo 24kanálovým režimem pomocí S.BUS. Dvě odnímatelné antény s konektorem IPEX4 poskytují plnou sílu signálu v dosahu až desítek kilometrů. Je ideální zejména pro větroně, ale použijete ho i pro další nejrůznější modely. S podporou redundance ho lze zapojit jako primární přijímač přes S.BUS. S Twin 2.4GHz protokolem v tomto zapojení plnohodnotně pracují oba přijímače současně. Díky možnosti připojení F.BUS ho snadno a rychle napárujete i k několika nejrůznějším telemetrickým zařízením, poskytující obousměrný přenos dat pomocí jediného kabelu.

Je vybaven pokročilým potlačením rušení pro spolehlivý stabilní přenos signálu napříč celým dosahem. Chytré přiřazení přenosového systému urychluje párování. Funkce černé skříňky ukládá základní letová data. Provozní stavy přijímače jsou signalizovány LED indikátorem. Po chytrém spárování umožňuje aktualizace firmwaru bezdrátově.

Je dostupný i ve verzi vybavené stabilizací, která nabízí pokročilé ADV funkce stabilizace. Stabilizátor ADV poskytuje pokročilý flexibilní režim s několika programovatelnými stabilizovanými kanály.

Klasický režim stabilizace byl rozšířen o 5 dalších stabilizačních kanálů, které poskytují mapování pinů pro každý kanál v několika letových režimech, jako je Stabilizace, Auto-Level (držení výšky), Hover (visení) a Knife-Edge (nožový let) s modelem letadla.

Funkce pokročilé stabilizace obsahuje vysoce přesné telemetrické senzory pro sledování letové výšky, vertikální rychlosti atd.

V režimu pokročilé stabilizace jsou všechny výstupní piny konfigurovatelné pro stabilizaci a další pokročilé funkce, jako je sdílení souborů Stab, programovatelné parametry a přístup pro vývojáře atd.

Pokud máte dotazy ohledně přijímače R10 a jeho provozu, kontaktujte technické a servisní pracovníky firmy KAVAN Europe s.r.o. e-mailem (info@kavanrc.com pro všeobecné technické informace, servis@kavanrc.com pro servis) nebo telefonicky (+420 466 260 133 pro všeobecné technické informace, +420 463 358 700 pro servis), v pracovní době 8–16 h, od pondělí do pátku).


Stáhněte si nejnovější verzi firmwaru:

Technické specifikace

  • VF přenos: Twin 2.4GHz
  • Rozměry: 64×16.6×12.4 mm (D*Š*V)
  • Hmotnost: 9,4 g
  • Provozní napětí: 3,5–12 V (doporučené napájení 2S LiXX)
  • Provozní proud: ≤120 mA při 5 V
  • Vario - rozsah měření vertikální rychlosti: ±10 m/s
  • Vario - rozsah a rozlišení výškoměru: -700 m až 10 000 m, 0,1 m
  • Rozsah měření externího napětí přes AIN2: 0–35 V
  • Konektor antén: IPEX4
  • Kompatibilita: Twin 2.4GHz
  • Max. vyzářený výkon: < 20 dBm
  • Frekvenční pásmo: 2,400–2,4835 GHz


  • Zvýšená ochrana proti RF rušení a stabilnější RF přenos
  • Simultánní dvoufrekvenční přenosový systém Twin 2.4GHz s chytrým párováním
  • Vestavěné funkce pokročilé stabilizace (R10 Stabi)
  • Vestavěný vysoce přesný telemetrický senzor (výška, vertikální rychlost atd.)
  • Funkce černé skříňky
  • Vysoký maximální provozní dosah
  • 10 konfigurovatelných kanálů
    • CH1: PWM / SBUS OUT / FPort / S.Port / SBUS IN
    • CH2-10: PWM / SBUS OUT / FBUS / S.Port
  • F.BUS / S.Port
  • SBUS OUT Port (Podporuje 16CH / 24CH mód)
  • SBUS IN Port (Podporuje redundanci signálu)
  • Bezdrátové aktualizace firmwaru (OTA - OverTheAir)

Stavová kontrolka

Zelená (LoRa) Modrá (SFK) Červená Stav
Svítí Nesvítí Svítí Registrace
Bliká Nesvítí Bliká Registrace dokončena
Svítí Nesvítí Nesvítí Párování
Svítí BLiká Nesvítí Párování dokončeno
Svítí Bliká Nesvítí Funguje správně
Nesvítí Nesvítí Svítí Fail-safe režim
Žlutá Stav (Kalibrace akcelerometru)
Svítí Překročeny limity (0,9G / 1,1G)
Nesvítí Normální stav
Bliká Kalibrace dokončena
Žlutá Stav (Autokontrola)
Svítí Probíhá detekce středu
Bliká Detekce minima a maxima kanálu
Nesvítí Autokontrola dokončena

Registrace a párování

Před započetím používání vašeho vysílače je nutné nejprve zaregistrovat požadovaný přijímač.


  1. Start the registration process by selecting [Register].
  2. A window will appear with the message "Waiting...." and a repeating voice message "Register".
  3. Hold down the pairing button on the receiver and switch it on. Wait for the red and green LEDs to light up. The RID and UID can be set at this stage:
    • RID: This is the unique identifier of the transmitter. It can be changed to the same/own code to use the Smart share feature for model sharing (if you want to share models and own multiple transmitters, or if you share models with other modellers, you must have the same RID set on those transmitters). The RID is the transmitter data (Owner Registration ID) written into the receiver's memory. If two transmitters have the same RID, you can easily share models including receivers between them using the Smart share function.
    • RX name: the naming of the receiver is done automatically when the receiver is paired for the first time. This name can be changed at any time. This is useful when using more than one receiver, e.g. to remember the settings of the receivers, e.g. RX4R1 is for CH1–8 or RX4R2 is for CH9–16 or RX4R3 is for CH17–24.
    • UID: is used to distinguish multiple receivers used simultaneously in one model. A default value of 0 can be left for a single receiver. If more than one receiver is to be used in one model, the UID must be changed, usually 0 for CH1–8, 1 for CH9–16 and 2 for CH17–24. Note that this UID cannot be read back from the receiver, so it is a good idea to tag the receiver.
  4. Press the [Register] button to complete the settings. The "Registration OK" dialog box will appear. Press the [OK] button to continue.
  5. Turn off the receiver. This registers the receiver. However, you still need to pair it with the transmitter to use it.
Pozor: Neprovádějte párování s připojeným elektromotorem nebo s nastartovaným spalovacím motorem.


Párování přijímače umožňuje, aby byl přijímač registrovaný ve fázi 1 spárován s jedním z vysílačů. Poté bude přijímač komunikovat pouze s tímto vysílačem, pokud ho nespárujete s vysílačem jiným. Před prvním použitím je nutné provést kontrolu dosahu vysílače!

  1. Turn off the power to the receiver.
  2. RX 1 [Pairing]: Select [Pairing] to start the pairing process. Every few seconds, a "Pairing" voice alert will sound to confirm that you are in pairing mode. A pop-up window will display the message " Waiting for receiver...".
  3. Switch on the receiver without holding the F/S pairing button. A window will appear with the message "Selecting Device" and the name of the receiver you have just switched on.
  4. Scroll to the receiver name and select it. A window will appear with a message that the pairing was successful.
  5. Turn off the transmitter and receiver.
  6. Switch on the transmitter and then the receiver. If the green LED on the receiver is lit and the red LED is not lit, the receiver is connected to the transmitter. The pairing of the receiver and transmitter will not need to be repeated unless one is replaced.
  • The receiver will only be controlled by the transmitter it is paired to. Other transmitters in its vicinity do not affect its function.
  • The name of the selected RX1 receiver will now be displayed next to it.
  • The receiver is now ready for use.
  • If redundant wiring is required, repeat for receivers 2 and 3.

IMU mode (R10 Stabi)

Note: When using the latest firmware versions of TW(≥1.0.9) Stabi-series receivers, please make sure the newest version of Stab Lua tools are running on your radio.

The devices with ADV features offer three modes to set up the stabilisation module:

  • OFF mode: The stabilisation module is not activated in the mode.
  • BASIC mode: The mode is enabled by default, the basic configurations can be done directly on the radio.
  • ADV: The mode supports full configuration of stabilisation mode with RBmixer programmer on PC.
Note: Selecting the BASIC mode for the normal stabilisation usages. To access more flexibility in the ADV stabilisation feature, please use the RBmixer software to configure the stabilisation module.

Set the IMU mode to ADV mode and change the ADV config option from Disable to Enable, which supports parameter setting for ADV self-stabilising mode through the Upgrade interface.

Note: If you do not use the ADV advanced self-stabilising mode of the receiver, this option must be disabled.
Warning: Please ensure the ADV config is set to Disable from the SRX Basic script before a flight.

Horizontal calibration (R10 Stabi)

Note: When using the latest firmware versions of TW(≥1.0.9) Stabi-series receivers, please make sure the newest version of Stab Lua tools are running on your radio.

Click [Start] to enable the CaliHorizontal mode to do the calibration for the horizontal plane.

Note: The "CaliHorizontal" function is only activated for ADV mode horizontal calibration. It doesn't work while using the basic mode.

Two independent stabilising functions (R10 Stabi)

Note: When using the latest firmware versions of TW(≥1.0.9) Stabi-series receivers, please make sure the newest version of Stab Lua tools are running on your radio.
  • Stable System page 1/2: Allows turning on/off the 1st part of stabilisation channels (CH1–6).
  • Stable System page 2/2: Allows turning on/off the 2nd part of stabilisation channels (CH7–11).
Note: Press the centre button of the navigation knob to switch to the second configuration page of stabilisation channels.
Note: There are two independent stabilisation systems, calibration and self-check must be completed for both systems.

First steps - stabilisation function (R10 Stabi)

  1. Model Creation & Make sure the connected receiver is bound to the radio;
  2. Ensure stabilization is enabled & Calibrate the gyroscope sensor of the device;
  3. Servo connection & Build the stabilization device to the model;
  4. Set up the mixer channel and radio switches;
  5. Determine the [Wing Type] & [Mounting Type];
  6. Check the stabilized channel outputs of the receiver in the Auto-Level mode;
  7. Check the stick control of the transmitter in the manual mode;
  8. Self-Check of the receiver;
  9. Failsafe setting.
Note: Please move to the [DOWNLOAD] section from the product page to download the functional Lua scripts (Place the decompressed folder in the root directory of the [Scripts] folder on the memory card to use.)

Gyroscope calibration

Ensure the stabilisation function is enabled

Move to the [SRX Cali] tool and calibrate the gyroscope sensor

  1. The gyroscope of the device (6 surfaces) must be calibrated before mounting into the model. Place the device on a flat surface and follow the instructions below to calibrate the gyroscope.
  2. Make sure the stabilisation device is lying on the surface with the logo/label facing upwards. Move to the radio and enter the [SRX Cali] tool and select "click to confirm". At this moment, the yellow LED light will flash. After it turns off, follow the prompts to calibrate the sensor.
  3. Complete the calibration of all the device surfaces. Ensure the value of each axis (X, Y, Z, Mod) is about 1.000 while placing the device in the corresponding direction. The deviation should be within ±0.1.
  4. The calibration is completed if all the steps above are done.

Servo connection & Build the device to the model

Connect the servos to the ports of the stabilization device according to the Channel List.

Note: Please make sure the receiver's Pins 6–10 face forward in the nose direction, and the other pins face backwards.
Channel Corresponding tag Control surface
CH1 AIL 1 Aileron
CH2 ELE 1 Elevator
CH3 THR Throttle
CH4 RUD Rudder
CH5 AIL 2 Aileron
CH6 ELE 2 Elevator
CH7 AIL 3 Aileron
CH8 ELE 3 Elevator
CH9 RUD 2 Rudder
CH10 AIL 4 Aileron
CH11 ELE 4 Elevator
CH12 User-defined \
CH13 User-defined Gyro gain adjustments
CH14+CH15 User-defined Flight modes

Gyro gain adjustment of CH13: When the value of CH13 is in the centre, the gain is zero. The gain increases with the value. When the value is ±100%, the gain is at maximum.

Warning: CH1–CH12 should be connected to the corresponding servos.

Set up the mixer channel and radio switches

Refer to the Channel List to set the channel and switches. The switch setting of CH13–CH15 on the picture is for reference.

Move to the [SRx stab] tool, determine the [Wing Type] & [Mounting Type]

[Gain] and [Offset] configurations of flight modes

  1. Gain - Stab mode
  2. Gain - Auto-level mode
  3. Gain - Hover mode
  4. Gain - Knife mode
  5. Angle offset - Auto-level mode
  6. Angle offset - Hover mode
  7. Angle offset - Knife mode

Check whether the reaction of the wing servo is in line with the flight attitude caption below in the [Auto-Level] mode. If not, please try to invert the corresponding channel output in the [SRX Stab] tool.

Stick priority & Reversed stick priority for AIL1/2, RUD and ELE1/2 channels

Note: The stabilised feature turns invalid if the output values of the stick operations on these channels exceed the set values for the stick priority here.

Inspection of flight attitude

To ensure flight safety, checking the compensation direction of the model is strongly recommended. Activating auto level mode will produce a strong deflection on AIL and ELE, which is used to check the response of the aileron and elevator. Also, activating the Knife-edge and Hover mode will result in the same reaction on the rudder.

When the plane is rotated left or right (Roll), ailerons should have the correcting actions as illustrated.

When the plane is rotated up or down (Pitch), elevators should have the correcting actions as illustrated.

When the plane is rotated to left or right (Yaw), rudders should have the correcting actions as illustrated.

Note: If the compensation direction is incorrect, please reverse the corresponding channel as illustrated above through the [SRX Stab] tool.

Check whether the reaction of the wing servo is in line with the radio stick operation in the [Manual] mode. If not, please try to invert the corresponding channel output by pressing the channel bar in the [Output] tool.

Self-check (R10 Stabi)

  1. Make sure the model is in a horizontal position on the ground, then put the throttle to 0, and keep the other channels in the centre position.
  2. Move to [System] and enter the [SRX Stab] tool, then click [Start] and the blue LED light turns on. Once the blue LED starts flashing, we can calibrate the maximum travel of stick channels (excluding the throttle channel).
  3. If the calibration is completed, the LED turns off and the servos react left and right to indicate the calibration process is completed.
Note: To do the Self-check of the stabilisation device, please ensure the stabilisation function is enabled. Enter the [SRX Stab] tool and turn On the [Stabilising], then quit the [SRX Stab] tool and back into this tool again, now the [Self-check] can be enabled.

Setting the flight modes (R10 Stabi)

Quick mode

It supports stabilisation mode, auto-level mode, and manual (Gyroscope is off) mode and is configured through CH14. The precise configuration is written below.

Note: The default mode of R10 Stabi is Quick Mode.
  • If Quick Mode is applied, there is no Knife-Edge or (3D) Hover Mode.
  • CH15 is not used when using Quick Mode.

Enable the Quick Mode in the [SRX Stab] tool.

Channel Position Flight mode
CH14 (3-pos switch) SW down None
SW middle Stabilisation mode
SW up Automatic level mode

Conventional mode

It supports stabilisation mode and manual mode (the Gyroscope is off) and is configured through CH14&15. Detailed configuration is described below.

Flight mode Stabilisation Automatic level Hover Knife-edge Off
CH14 (3-pos switch) CH14 SW down & CH15 SW mid CH14 SW down & CH15 SW down CH14 SW down & CH15 SW up CH14 SW up & CH15 SW mid CH14 SW mid
CH15 (3-pos switch)

Model configuration reference (R10 Stabi)

Conventional model

Flight mode Stabilisation Automatic level Hover Knife-edge Off
CH14 (3-pos switch) CH14 > M+H (CH14 sw. down) CH14 > M+H (CH14 sw. down) CH14 > M+H (CH14 sw. down) CH14 < M-H (CH14 sw. up) CH14 sw. mid
CH15 (3-pos switch) M-H < CH15 < M+H (CH15 sw. mid) CH15 > M+H (CH15 sw. down) CH15 < M-H (CH15 sw. up) M-H < CH15 < M+H (CH15 sw. mid)
  • M: represents a neutral signal period (1500 μs)
  • H: represents the time of required signal change to activate the mode (50 μs). When the factory settings are selected, the switch position shown above represents the required modes.

Deltra wing / Flying wing / V-Tail

The available flight modes can be assigned to CH14 with a three-position switch.

Flight mode Stabilisation Automatic level Off
CH14 CH14 > M+H (CH14 sw. down) CH14 < M-H (CH14 sw. up) CH14 sw. mid
  1. When the Delta wing/Flying wing is selected, the signal produced by the transmitter should be without active mixes on the channels related to AIL and ELE. R10 Stabi will mix the AIL (CH1) and ELE (CH2) input signal with a fixed mix percentage automatically.
  2. When the V-tail type is selected, the signal produced by the transmitter should be without active mixes on the channels related to ELE and RUD. R10 Stabi will mix the ELE (CH2) and RUD (CH4) input signal with a fixed mix percentage automatically.

Stabilisation: When the model is activated, R10 Stabi will compensate for external forces (wind) as soon as it receives commands from the transmitter. This function is used to enhance the stability of the model on three axes (Pitch, Roll, YAW). CH13 could be used to adjust gyro gain by assigning a knob or a slider, changing the sensitivity of the counteracting signal produced by the internal three-axis gyroscope.

Automatic level: When the mode is activated, R10 Stabi will make the model return to level orientation with an internal three-axis accelerometer and three-axis gyroscope on AIL and ELE channels after the sticks are released to neutral. RUD channel works in stabilisation mode only.

Hover: When the mode is activated, R10 Stabi will make the nose of the model straight up with an internal three-axis accelerometer and three-axis gyroscope on RUD and ELE channels (ELE and RUD inputs are not required). Under this mode, AIL is used to control the rotation of the model and THR to adjust the altitude. AIL channel works in stabilisation mode only.

Knife-edge mode: When the mode is activated, R10 Stabi will roll the plane on a certain side (wing points up) with an internal three-axis accelerometer and three-axis gyroscope on RUD and AIL channels. Thus, AIL inputs are not required. While the mode steering is done with ELE, altitude will be maintained with THR/RUD. ELE channel operates in stabilisation mode only.

Off: When the mode is activated, R10 Stabi will transmit the received commands produced by the transmitter to the model without compensating.

Roll and Pitch Angle throws configuration in Stab mode (R10 Stabi)

Warning: Make sure the [SRX Stab] script tool has been downloaded and placed in the [Scripts] folder of the storage card. The tool can be found under the [System] menu page after rebooting the ETHOS system.

Ensure the receiver is bound to the radio and its Stab data is readable through Lua script. The movement angle of Roll and Pitch for Stab mode can be configured up to 80 degrees.

Warning: This feature will not be activated if the degree value is set to 0–9. The setting with the Roll/Pitch degree between 10–80° can have the feature work, and it's not recommended to be set with the degree values too small.

Turning on the High PWM speed mode

  1. The factory default setting is OFF.
  2. To go to the receiver [Options], select On to activate the High speed mode.
Warning: High PWM speed mode is only applied for digital servos. Turn off High PWM Speed mode when using an analogue servo, otherwise, servos will get hot and may burn out.


Enter the [Set] of the receiver.

Select the FBUS/S.Port/SBUS Out/SBUS In for the channel ports.

Choosing the SBUS-16/24 mode

Enter the RX Settings.

Click [SBUS], then select SBUS-16 mode or SBUS-24 mode.

Black box

The Black box records flight data, e.g. RX Reset Case, RSSI, VFR etc. For KAVAN V20 as an example, to get flight data, please go to RF System-[Set]-[Flight Data Record].

OTA function

Go to the [File manager], select the FW, press the enter button and select [Flash RX by int.OTA]. Power on the receiver, select the RX, go to the [ENTER], complete the flash process and the transmitter will display [Success]. Wait for 3 seconds, the receiver works properly at the moment.

Note: Please do not start binding in near proximity while the firmware upgrade is in progress.
Note: Update the firmware after registering the receiver (OTA).

Range check

A range check should be made before each flight in case signal loss is caused by reflection from metal or concrete structures and shadowing of the signal by buildings or trees during flight.

  1. Place the model at least 60 cm on a non-metallic base (e.g. on a wooden bench). The receiving antenna should be in a vertical position.
  2. Enter the ETHOS system, go to "VF system", select the "RANGE" mode and press [ENTER]. In the range check mode, the effective range is reduced to 1/30.

Fail-safe emergency rates

After enabling Fail-safe, there are 3 modes available: No signal, Hold, and Custom.

No signal: When the signal is lost, the receiver does not send a control signal to the deflectors on any channel. To use this type, select it from the menu and wait 9 seconds for the Fail-safe setting change to take effect.

Hold: The receiver maintains the deflections as they were before the signal was lost. To use this type, select it from the menu and wait 9 seconds for the Fail-safe setting change to take effect.

Custom: The receiver maintains the deflection value on all channels as you pre-select it. Select the Fail-safe setting menu. Switch from Disconnect/Hold/Not set to "Custom". Select the channel for which you want to set fail-safe deflections and confirm the selection. Then set the deflections on each desired channel and confirm the selection. Wait 9 seconds for the Fail-safe setting change to take effect.

  • If the failsafe is not set, the model will always work with the last working status before the signal is lost. That could cause potential damage.
  • When the failsafe is disabled on the RF module side, the receiver defaults to Hold mode.
  • When in No Signal Mode, do not set the Failsafe to No Signal Mode for the SBUS port as it will keep the signal output continuous. Set "Hold" or "Custom" mode for the SBUS port.

Warranty and post-warranty service

All KAVAN® electronic products are covered by a 2-year warranty covering all manufacturing defects and faults. When claiming within the warranty period, please always present a copy of the proof of purchase with the product and provide service personnel with as detailed and complete information as possible about the defect found, your usage and other information that will facilitate the assessment of the claim and speed up its settlement.  Please make your claim at the shop where you purchased the product. If this is not possible, you can contact KAVAN Europe s.r.o. directly:

KAVAN Europe s.r.o. | Doubravice 110, 533 53 Pardubice | Česko | +420 466 260 133 | info@kavanrc.com

Warranty and limitation of liability

As the manufacturer of this product, we have no control over your compliance with these instructions when wiring and installing the RC set into your model. Likewise, we have no control over the way you build, operate and maintain the RC set parts. For this reason, KAVAN must disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or financial cost that is caused by the improper use or operation of products imported by us, or that is in any way connected with such activity.

Except as otherwise provided by law, KAVAN‘s obligation to pay compensation shall (regardless of the legal arguments asserted) be limited to the purchase price for those KAVAN products that were directly involved in the event that caused the damage. This does not apply if the manufacturer has been judicially obliged to make unlimited compensation on the basis of proven wilful or gross negligence. We warrant that our products are in compliance with current legal provisions. The warranty does not cover failures and defects caused by:

  • Misuse or improper use.
  • Delayed, improper or no maintenance, or maintenance performed by unauthorized service.
  • Incorrect wiring.
  • Use of accessories not approved or recommended by KAVAN Europe s.r.o.
  • Modifications or repairs not carried out by an authorised KAVAN Europe s.r.o.
  • Inadvertent or deliberate damage.
  • Normal wear and tear.
  • Operation of the equipment outside the operating limits specified in the specification

KAVAN Europe s.r.o. zaručuje, že tento výrobek je v okamžiku prodeje prost vad jak v materiálu, tak i v provedení. Firma KAVAN Europe s.r.o. si také vyhrazuje právo změnit nebo upravit tuto záruku bez předchozího upozornění. Zařízení je předmětem průběžného vylepšování a zdokonalování - výrobce si vyhrazuje právo změny konstrukčního provedení bez předchozího upozornění.

Tento záruční list opravňuje k provedení bezplatné záruční opravy výrobku dodávaného firmou KAVAN Europe s.r.o. ve lhůtě 24 měsíců. Záruka se nevztahuje na přirozené opotřebení v důsledku běžného provozu, protože jde o výrobek pro modelářské použití, kdy jednotlivé díly pracují pod mnohem vyšším zatížením, než jakému jsou vystaveny běžné hračky.

Záruka se nevztahuje také na jakoukoliv část zařízení, která byla nesprávně instalována, bylo s ní hrubě nebo nesprávně zacházeno, nebo byla poškozena při havárii, nebo na jakoukoliv část zařízení, která byla opravována nebo měněna neautorizovanou osobou (to platí i pro aplikaci jakýchkoliv vodovzdorných nástřiků/nátěrů uživatelem). Stejně jako jiné výrobky jemné elektroniky nevystavujte toto zařízení působení vysokých teplot, nízkých teplot, vlhkosti, prašnému prostředí prudkým mechanickým rázům a nárazům. Neponechávejte je po delší dobu na přímém slunečním světle.

Požadavek na záruční opravu uplatňujte, prosím, v prodejně, kde jste soupravu zakoupili.

Recyklace (Evropská unie)

Elektrická zařízení opatřená symbolem přeškrtnuté popelnice nesmějí být vyhazována do běžného domácího odpadu, namísto toho je nutno je odevzdat ve specializovaném zařízení pro sběr a recyklaci. V zemích EU (Evropské unie) nesmějí být elektrická zařízení vyhazována do běžného domácího odpadu (WEEE - Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Likvidace elektrických a elektronických zařízení, směrnice 2012/19/EU). Nežádoucí zařízení můžete dopravit do nejbližšího zařízení pro sběr nebo recyklačního střediska. Zařízení poté budou likvidována nebo recyklována bezpečným způsobem zdarma. Odevzdáním nežádoucího zařízení můžete učinit důležitý příspěvek k ochraně životního prostředí.

EU prohlášení o shodě

Tímto KAVAN Europe s.r.o. prohlašuje, že typ rádiového zařízení: R10 a další zařízení s ním dodávaná jsou v souladu se směrnicí 2014/53/EU. Úplné znění EU prohlášení o shodě je k dispozici na této internetové adrese: http://www.kavanrc.com/doc. Toto rádiové zařízení 2,4 GHz je možno používat bez předchozí registrace nebo individuálního schvalování ve všech zemích Evropské unie.