Translations:KAVAN Plus ESCs - Instruction manual/10/en

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Programming via the KAVAN PRO Programming card (optional)

Important: You need to power your ESC off and then on after adjusting the parameters. Otherwise, new parameters won’t take effect.

Plug the programming cable (yellow) into the programming port on the KAVAN PRO LED Programming card and connect the throttle cable to the (+)/(-) socket on the programming card.

Note: The flight pack is to be plugged in only after the LED programming card has been connected to the ESC. If your battery is already connected to your ESC, after connecting the FLED Programming card to the ESC, you need to disconnect the battery first and then reconnect it to the ESC to enter the programming mode to check and set parameters. The portable KAVAN PRO LED Programming card is an optional accessory applicable for field use. Its friendly interface makes ESC programming easy and quick. Connect a battery to your ESC after connecting the KAVAN PRO LED Programming card to the ESC, all programmable items will show up a few seconds later. You can select the item you want to program and the setting you want to choose via "ITEM" & "VALUE" buttons on the programming card, and then press the "OK" button to save all new settings to your ESC.