Translations:KAVAN Mirai glider kit 1995mm - Instruction manual/18/en
- Trial fit the parts of the fuselage– no glue yet! Sand as necessary to obtain the perfect fit. (Fig. 3)
- Glue the Lite Ply reinforcement plates F3 and F5L to the inner side of the F17L fuselage side (with the large opening for the F16 hatch); glue the plates F3 and F5R to the inner side of the F17R fuselage side (without the hatch opening). (Fig. 4)
- Glue the F6 locking plate to the front of the F16 hatch; the locking plate has to match the position of a notch in the F5L reinforcement plate and the hatch matched the opening in the F17L fuselage side. The pair of F21 magnets will be epoxied into the F16 hatch and F5L plate only after the fuselage is covered – otherwise the high temperature of your sealing iron might demagnetize the magnets. (Fig. 14)
- Epoxy together the tail boom holder consisting of the Lite Ply part F13 and plywood parts F10 and F14. Attach the F9 wing bolt plate with the M5 aluminium captive nut epoxied in place. Insert the entire assembly of the tail boom holder between the fuselage sides. Now you can start gluing the fuselage from the rear to the nose. (Fig. 6)
- Glue together the nose part of the fuselage; do not forget bevelling the edges of the fuselage formers and F18 and F19 Lite Ply braces as required. (Fig. 9)
- Epoxy the F9 wing bolt plate and the tail boom holder assembly in place.
- Bevel the F1 nose blocks and glue in place.
- Partially cut (ca 1 mm deep) and crack the fuselage sides along the front edge of the F2 fuselage former and glue them to the F1 blocks (the cut line is to be soaked with thin CA before the final sanding).
- Epoxy the tow hook plate F15 in place. Glue the F20 carbon ballast tube into the holes in F7 and F8 formers. (Fig. 10)
- Glue the upper and lower 2.5 mm balsa sheeting to the fuselage. Slide the tail boom tube F22 onto the tail boom holder – do not glue yet. Fit and glue the balsa fairing plates F11 and F12 in place. Carefully match all the parts so the tail boom had a tight fit but remained still easily detachable. (Fig. 11) (Fig. 12)
- Sand the entire front part of the fuselage; take care that all the parts, including the F11/F12 fairing, create a smooth transition between the fuselage and the tail boom. (Fig. 14)
- Insert the R11 carbon rods into the pre-drilled holes in the tail boom; glue them in place. The bottom ends of the rods should stick out by 1–2 mm from the tail boom (the upper side of the tail boom is slightly flattened in order to accommodate the tailplane seat). Slide the T8 tailplane seat onto the R11 rods and epoxy it to the tail boom square to the rods. (Fig. 15)
- Epoxy the M3 aluminium captive nut R16 to the pre-drilled hole on the right side of the tail boom.