Translations:KAVAN Swift S-1 - Instruction manual/2/en
Swift S–1: a Polish aerobatic champion
By the end of the 1980s, the Margański & Mysłowski Zakłady Lotnicze decided there was a "gap" in the aerobatic glider market – apparently the good old all–wooden SZD–21–2b Kobuz 3 designed back in the 1950s was no more the "hot stuff". So in 1991 designers Edward Margański and Jerzy Cisowski backed by Jerzy Makula (then triple world aerobatic glider champion) came with a new Swift S–1, a modern all–composite aerobatic glider with an incredible 4 seconds roll rate capable of handling +/-10 g. The reward followed almost immediately – Jerzy Makula won his fourth FAI World Glider Aerobatic Championships the same year!