Translations:KAVAN Cumul 100 glider kit 2540mm - Instruction manual/30/en
- The wing outer panels are to be assembled in one piece. The winglets will be cut off subsequently. Build the wing panel on a flat building board. The trailing edge has to be supported so the wing tip is 2 mm above the building board creating the required washout (the railing edge lays flat on the working surface at the W50 root rib, then it is supported in at least three points so it is 2 mm above the building board at the W74 end rib).
- Assemble the main spar shear webbing. Epoxy the W37 wing joiner bays to the W34 balsa parts. Enclose the bays. Epoxy the W36 plywood plates (front side of the shear webbing) and W35 (rear side). Bind the joiner bays with the provided Kevlar® thread and soak with medium CA or epoxy.Note: Make a left and right pair.(Det. A, Fig. 3+9+5)
- Assemble the wing panels without glue at first. Insert all ribs and riblets into the respective notches in the shear webbing. There are two 5 mm ribs W66 and W67 dividing the outer panel and the winglet (you can glue both two ribs square to the shear webbing and bevel both at 4 degrees angle once the winglet has been cut off, or you can one of them - preferably W67) glue in 8 degrees angle using the supplied 8 deg dihedral jig).
- Slide on the W83/W84 trailing edges onto the ribs. Cyano the W50 root ribs to the shear webbing using the 7 deg dihedral jig (the W49 outer ribs are to be glued later - after the wing panels have been paired with the wing centre section).
- Insert, but not glue, the W79 auxiliary spar (5 mm balsa) and the W80 aileron leading edge (7 mm balsa).
- Cyano the W46 aileron horn blocks between the W56 and W58 ribs (not to the W80 yet).
- Double-check the correct position of all ribs and spars; lay the wing on the building plan. Once satisfied, pin down the wing outer panel to your building board with the trailing edge supported as described above. Apply medium cyano to all joints (do not glue the W79 and W80 parts yet). Insert and cyano the W78 wing panel rear spar (6×3 mm pine stick) and the W85 winglet rear spar (4×2 mm pine).
- Butt joint the W77 main spar (10×2 mm pine) to the edge of the W89 top D-box sheeting (1.5 mm balsa). Apply white glue to the top of the ribs, riblets and the main spar shear webbing. Insert the W89 main spar into the notches in all ribs and pin it down. Then step-by-step pin down the W89 balsa sheeting to the ribs.
- Butt joint the W91 winglet main spar (8×2 mm balsa) to the edge of the W88 top D-box sheeting (1.5 mm balsa). Apply white glue to the top of the ribs, riblets and the main spar shear webbing. Insert the W91 main spar into the notches in all ribs and pin it down. Then step-by-step pin down the W88 balsa sheeting to the ribs.
- Once the glue has cured, remove the outer wing panel from your building board. Align the top edge of the W79 and W80 flush with the top edge of the ribs and glue them to the ribs, not to each other. Trim the protruding part at the bottom side of the wing. Put the wing panel down onto your building board to check the trailing edge is straight and elevated by 2 mm at the wing tip.
- Glue the W43 wing tip in place.
- Glue the W90 support spar in place as well as the W77 and W91 bottom main spar. Use white glue to secure the W87 and W86 bottom D-box sheeting in place.
- Sand the front edge of the W87/W89 and W86/W88 balsa sheeting flush with the front edge of the ribs and glue the W75 and W76 leading edges in place.
- Glue the W48 winglet gussets in place. Glue the W44 bottom cover plates of the aileron servo bays between the W56 and W58 ribs.
- Sand the W50 root ribs flush. Trial fit the carbon wing joiners into the respective bays. There should be a tight fit, no play. Trial fit the W49 liteply outer ribs - do not glue yet.
- Slide the wing panel onto the carbon wing joiner together with the W49 and W7 liteply ribs. Slide on the wing centre section as well. Check how the ribs and wing parts match. Trim them as necessary to achieve a perfect fit. Once satisfied, epoxy the W7 and W49 ribs in place.
- Fine sand the entire wing panels, pay attention to the leading edge.
- Cut off the winglets. Use a fine razor saw to cut through (from the bottom) between the W66 and W67 ribs. If you have glued the ribs square to the main spar, now bevel both at a 4-degree angle to achieve the required 8 degrees winglet dihedral.
- Cut through the ribs between the W79 auxiliary spar and W80 aileron leading edge with a sharp modeller’s knife or razor saw and remove the flaps. Bevel the leading edge at a 28-degree angle allowing the down deflection of the ailerons (ailerons are hinged on the top side of the wing).
- Glue the winglets to the wing panel (the butt joint protects the wing as there is a good chance the winglet breaks off in an accident - whilst the rest of the wing will remain undamaged).
- Glue the W103 aluminium alignment pins into holes in W49/W50 ribs. (Fig. 13)
- Trial fit the aileron servos. Prepare their extension cables. To allow threading the cables after the wing has been covered you should put a thread through the holes in ribs secured by strips of sticky tape. Or you can glue 6 mm plastic tubes (not included in the kit) - see the dotted lines on the building plan. You can use regular servo connectors between the wing centre section and outer panels, but the sturdier MR30 connectors (KAV36.131 - not supplied in the kit) are more suitable for the task. If you are going to use them, install the female part (with sockets) of the connector into the wing panels. It is probably best to install all the cables before the wing is covered. Do not forget to double-check the correct polarity and connection first! The connectors are to be CA-glued to the wing after the covering.