Translations:KAVAN Cumul 100 glider kit 2540mm - Instruction manual/51/en
Final fine-tuning: During the next flights trim out your Cumul 100 to find the optimal setting - safe climbing and good gliding - it is a compromise, of course. You might find it useful to program a butterfly/camber → elevator mix (if your radio allows) that will eliminate the nose pitching when the butterfly brake is being deployed or the camber changing flaps/ailerons are being extended. In general, the CG position should be located between 77–81 mm behind the wing leading edge. Moving the CG back improves gliding performance whilst reducing stability. It makes your model more sensitive to controls and increases the model reaction on thermal. The back CG position makes the model more difficult to fly and requires more attention from you, while a nose-heavy model is easier to fly but you will lack the performance. We recommend starting with the CG at 77 mm behind the leading edge. Beyond 81 mm the increasing lack of stability starts to prevail over the gain of gliding performance.