Translations:KAVAN Cumul DLG kit 1096mm - Instruction manual/21/en

From KAVAN RC Wiki
  • The wing is to be built directly on the building plan protected by a sheet of thin clear plastic film. The wing ribs and riblets are supplied with jig tabs on the bottom side to allow building the wing with under cambered profile on a flat surface; at the same time producing the washout (the wing trailing edge is higher by 3 mm at the tips than at the root) necessary for stable flight of the model. DO NOT CUT the mounting jigs; they will be removed only after the entire wing has been built. There is also the rib spacing jig to set the leading edge ends of rib and riblet mounting jigs correctly. (Fig. 1 + 9 + 10)
  • Epoxy together the wing central ribs W4 and W5; insert 3 mm beech dowels into the holes to obtain a correct match. Note: Make a left and right pair of assemblies.
  • Glue together the wing tip W28 with the plywood reinforcement plate W40 to the trailing edge W30 on a flat working surface; glue the W26 and W27 reinforcement plates in place creating a notch for the plywood wing tip spar W29. (Fig. 11+12)
  • Thread all the wing ribs and riblets W3 to W24 onto the main spar carbon tube W35; use a round file to trim the openings in the ribs to set the ribs in the required angle. (Fig. 10)
  • Put the main spar with ribs onto the building plan and insert the ends of ribs into the corresponding notches in the trailing edge W30. Insert the front ends of the rib jig tabs into the corresponding notches of the rib spacing jig. Align all the parts to the correct position over the building plan; pin down where necessary, and then glue the ribs W4 to W23 to the main spar tube and the trailing edge. Epoxy the wing tip spar W29 into the main spar tube and to the wing tip into the notch between the W26 and W27 reinforcement plates. Glue the wing tip to the W24 rib and finally the W24 rib to the main spar and trailing edge. Glue the balsa gusset W25 between the W24 rib and W23 riblet.
  • Glue the root rib W3 using the root rib dihedral jig in place. (Fig. 13)
  • Trim the notches for the leading edge W36 (3 mm beech dowel) in the ribs and riblets as necessary. Glue the leading edge (starting from the wing tip and then rib by rib towards the wing root). (Fig. 14)
  • Epoxy the plywood wing joiner bay plates W33 into the W3 and W4/W5 ribs - be sure the bay will accommodate the W34 wing joiner nicely. (Fig. 15)
  • Now you can carefully cut the rib jig tabs using a sharp modeller’s knife. Sand the bottom side of all ribs and riblets to shape with no.120 sandpaper.
  • Glue the bottom wing centre 1.5 mm balsa sheeting W39 and W40 in place; glue the plywood reinforcement plate W41 on the top of W40 along the area of the wing fixing bolt. (Fig. 16)
  • Glue the top wing centre 1.5 mm balsa sheeting W37 and W38 in place. Sand the wing root flush with the W3 rib - the slanted position set with the root rib dihedral jig ensures the correct wing dihedral.
  • Assemble the other wing half in the same way.
  • Sand both two wing halves with no.120 sandpaper. Trial fit - no glue yet - the wing halves and the W34 wing joiner; insert the riblets W1 and W2 between the root ribs. Once satisfied with the fit, epoxy the W34 wing joiner, W1 and W2 riblets to one wing half. Then slide on and epoxy the other half. Double-check the correct wing halves alignment and let the epoxy set. (Fig 17+23+24)
  • Epoxy the wing bolt plate W32 to the top of the wing centre; once the glue has cured, drill a 4.2mm hole for the wing bolt through the W32.
  • Now it is the time to decide which tip of the wing the discus launch pin is to be glued into - the left tip for a right-handed pilot, the right tip for a left-handed pilot. Laminate a strip of the fibreglass cloth around the hole for the discus launch pin on top and bottom of the wing tip. You can use a special low-viscosity laminating/finishing epoxy or you can use regular epoxy glue thinned slightly by an epoxy paint/dope thinner. Once the resin has cured, sand the entire wing smooth with no.180 sandpaper.