Translations:KAVAN Cumul DLG kit 1096mm - Instruction manual/37/en

From KAVAN RC Wiki

Switch your transmitter and then the receiver on and check all the working systems one more time. Facing INTO the wind hold your transmitter in one hand; grip the model in the other hand near the centre of gravity. Hold it at head level and give the model a fairly powerful push exactly into the wind; wings level, nose slightly down. Your model should now glide in a long, flat and straight path without needing any help from you. Use the controls gently if necessary, and adjust the trim tabs until your CUMUL DLG glides above the described way. Now check the position of control surfaces; set the length of pushrods to bring back trim tabs on your transmitter to a central position if necessary (we strongly recommend doing it in any way). Check again the gliding of your CUMUL DLG.