Translations:KAVAN Der kleine Falke A1 glider kit 1240mm - Instruction manual/14/en
From KAVAN RC Wiki
Carefully sand the entire surface of the wing leading edge halves no.1 and no. 2. Sand the leading edge to the shape shown on the detail in the left top of the building plan.
Glue the wing spar no. 3 to the wing leading edge no.1 together on a flat building board protected with a sheet of thin plastic film. Test fit the parts together before applying the glue. Sand to fit if necessary.
Once the glue has cured sand the bottom side of the no.1 and no. 3 parts perfectly flat.
Support the wing leading edge with a suitable stick and glue the wing trailing edge part no. 4 to it.
Once the glue has cured sand the upper side of the wing half smooth.
Glue the no. 8 stick to the outer end of the wing half. Once the glue has cured sand it flat to match the wing surface. Build the other wing half in the same manner.
Glue together parts no. 5 and no. 6 in order to make the wing joiner.
Insert the wing joiner into the notch in the wing; attach the wing halves together (outer ends supported to create the correct wing dihedral – refer to the picture top left on the building plan) bevel and sand the roots of the wing halves to match each other perfectly.
Once satisfied, glue the wing joiner into one of wing halves. Then apply a generous coat of glue to the other wing half and attach them together carefully keeping the correct wing dihedral.
Glue together both two no. 9 parts of the wing outer panels. Sand the joint smooth and then glue the wing panels to the wing centre section carefully keeping the correct dihedral.
Glue the wing trailing edge reinforcement plate no. 7 in place.
Apply a light coat of thinned protective dope to the entire wing. When dry, lightly sand all doped surfaces with the fine sandpaper. Repeat twice more. Sand lightly once every coat has dried. Apply the stickers.