Translations:KAVAN Der kleine Falke A1 glider kit 1240mm - Instruction manual/15/en

From KAVAN RC Wiki

Fuselage and tail

  1. Glue the fuselage formers no. 18–22 square to the fuselage baseplate no. 10.
  2. Glue the no. 34 upper longerons to the formers.
  3. Glue the nose plates no.11–13 one by one in place.
  4. Glue the rear plates no. 28–33 one by one in place.
  5. Glue the no. 41 lower longerons to in place.
  6. Sand the both sides of the fuselage smooth.
  7. Glue the no. 23 fuselage side plates in place.
  8. Glue the no. 14 upper plate in place.
    Caution: Apply the glue ONLY in the front on the top of the no. 13 nose plate and ONLY tack glue the no. 14 plate in the rear (along the no. 20 former).
  9. Glue the no. 15–17 upper plates in place.
  10. Cut and sand smooth the fuselage in order to create nice smooth curves.
  11. Drill through the openings for the wing fixing dowels using 2.5 mm drill bit. Glue the dowels in place.
  12. Use a fine razor saw to cut through the no. 15 and no.14 plates in the laser scribed line in the nose. Remove the canopy carefully and glue the no. 27 alignment pin along the front edge of the no. 14 plate. The no. 27 pin overlaps the front edge of the no. 14 plate securing the front of the canopy in place.
  13. Bind the wing to the fuselage using supplied rubber bands. Now sand the rear bottom part of the canopy to match the curve of the wing.
  14. Glue the no. 24 inner tow hook plate to the bottom of the fuselage. Take care the pre-cut hole was in the longitudinal axis of the fuselage. Drill through the hole using 1.5 mm drill bit. Glue the no. 25 lower tow hook plate concentric to the hole in place.
  15. Apply a light coat of thinned protective dope to the entire fuselage. When dry, lightly sand all doped surfaces with the fine sandpaper. Repeat twice more. Sand lightly once every coat has dried.
  16. Drill through the hole for the tubular tail boom using a 5.5 mm drill bit in the rear end of the fuselage.
  17. Carefully cut the no. 37 control surfaces off the no. 36 V-tail stabilizers. Mark the centres of the "bridges" connecting the no. 36 and no. 37 parts. Round the outer edges of the stabilizers (except for the roots) and control surfaces.
  18. Glue together the no. 36 V-tail stabilizers using the supplied jig (Bag J) on a flat building board protected with a sheet of thin plastic film. Once the glue has cured, sand the joint smooth. Glue the tail boom tube to the V-tail stabilizers.
  19. Use a fine needle file to make a groove for the push rod tubes in the hole for the tail boom (the push rod tubes will be glued to the top of the tail boom later).
  20. Insert the tail boom into the fuselage. Attach the wing to the fuselage. Check the correct alignment of the V-tail. Once satisfied, glue the tail boom in place.
  21. Apply a light coat of thinned protective dope to the V-tail stabilizers and control surfaces. When dry, lightly sand all doped surfaces with the fine sandpaper. Repeat once or twice more. Sand lightly once every coat has dried.
  22. Stick a modelling pin into the centre of the trailing edge of the V-tail stabilizer in the previously marked spot. Enlarge the hole slightly by twirling the pin carefully. Make the other holes for the nylon line hinges (Bag J) in the no. 36 stabilizers and no. 37 control surfaces. Cut 8 mm pieces of the supplied nylon line and glue them half-way into the holes in the stabilizers. Once the glue has set, glue the control surfaces onto the protruding nylon lines.
  23. Glue the push rod outer tubes to the top of the tail boom. Insert the piano wire push rods into the tubes, thread the no. 38 control surface horns on the Z-bends and glue them into the notches in the control surfaces.