Translations:KAVAN Dingo A3 glider kit 796mm - Instruction manual/20/en

From KAVAN RC Wiki

Glue spacers 22 to both sides of the fuselage along the bottom of the wing seat. Front edges matching the front edge of the wing seat plate. Glue the tail boom spruce sticks 23 (3×8×450 mm) to the fuselage sides. Fitting tightly into the notch in the spacers 22 and touching the rear edge of the wing seat plate. Glue the balsa spacer 24 (3×8×75 mm) between the rear ends of the tail boom sticks. Apply glue to both sides of the spacer. Insert it between the sticks 23 and clamp together using a clamp or clothes pegs. Immediately, before the glue set, lay the fuselage upside down onto the top view on the building plan placed on your work bench. Double-check the tail boom and the entire fuselage was true and straight. The tail boom sticks 23 and the spacer 24 aligned nicely.