Translations:KAVAN Mirai glider kit 1995mm - Instruction manual/10/en

From KAVAN RC Wiki

You must build the model according to the instructions. Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so may result in an unsafe or unflyable model. Take time to build straight, true and strong. Use proper radio and other equipment that is in first-class condition, properly install all the components and test their correct operation before first and any further flight. Fly the model only with competent help from a well-experienced modeller if you are not already an experienced RC pilot.

Note: We, as a kit manufacturer, can guarantee you a premium quality kit with detailed instructions, but flight characteristics and performance depend entirely on how you complete the model. Since we have no control over how you complete and operate the model, we cannot (and cannot be assumed) assume any responsibility for any damage caused or related to the operation of your completed model.