Translations:KAVAN Mirai glider kit 1995mm - Instruction manual/38/en
Electric version: Switch your transmitter and then the receiver on and check all the working systems once again. Launch your MIRAI with a throttle fully open INTO the wind. During climbing be gentle on the controls; try to keep the model flying into the wind until you have about 100–150 metres of altitude. Climb slowly - too steep climbing may cause the model will stall and fall to the ground. You are at 150 metres - this is time to trim out your MIRAI at full power. After everything is OK - it means the model at approx. 50–60% of full throttle flies straight without turning, descending or ascending (if your MIRAI already tends to ascend you will have to increase motor down thrust), turn the motor off and test MIRAI’s gliding characteristics. Keep your MIRAI into the wind and observe its flight. If turns without power right (although under power it kept the straight direction) it will be necessary to increase the motor's right side thrust and vice versa. If descends too much without power (although under power it kept the level flight) you will have to increase motor down thrust (assuming the centre of gravity is correct - check it after landing).