Translations:KAVAN Orion A3 glider kit 930mm - Instruction manual/39/en

From KAVAN RC Wiki

Give a signal to your friend holding your model; both of you will start running into the wind and the assistant will launch the model after a few paces. Continue running into the wind paying attention to the tension of the towline and checking the model over your shoulder. Run as fast as necessary to achieve a steady climbing rate of your model – the model should climb straight forward, at a steady rate, in a nice arc. The stronger the wind, the slower you might run. If the towline tension decreases, your model climbs slowly (and yaws to a side) you should run faster. If the towline tension increases and the model turns violently to a side, you have to slow down and wait until the model returns to the original straight path. Hi-start requires some skills; especially on a windy day running too fast might even end in the destruction of your model. Once the mode climbs almost over your head, it should start turning slightly left – this is the moment to stop. Let the model fly in front of you and release the towline. For the initial high start, set the tow hook to the forward position. Based on the ORION´s behaviour, you can move it back/adjust later. If your model hesitates to climb, move it back; if pitches the nose up and veers to the side, move it forward. Adjust the rudder to achieve large flat left turns; tight banked turns kill the altitude! Usually, just a 2mm left offset is OK. Contest flyers would want to install the dethermalizer with a timer that kicks the horizontal tailplane up (about 45°) once the set time has elapsed; the model will land in large „hoops“ then.