Translations:KAVAN V20 - Quickstart guide/35/en

From KAVAN RC Wiki
  • No signal: when signal is lost, the receiver does not send a control signal to the rates on any channel. To use this type, select it from the menu and wait 9 seconds for the Fail-safe setting change to take effect.
  • Hold: the receiver maintains the rates as they were before the signal was lost. To use this type, select it from the menu and wait 9 seconds for the Fail-safe setting change to take effect.
  • Custom: the receiver keeps the rate value on all channels as you preselect it. Select the Fail-safe setting menu. Switch from Disconnect/Hold/Not Set to „Custom“. Select the channel for which you want to set fail-safe rates and confirm the selection. Then set the rates on each desired channel and confirm the selection. Wait 9 seconds for the Fail-safe setting change to take effect.