KAVAN programovací karta - Návod k použití
Programovací karta pro střídavé regulátory KAVAN
Programovací karta pro regulátory KAVAN se snadno používá a je lehce přenosná. Všechny pro gramovatelné funkce jsou uvedeny na kartě.
Technické údaje
Napájení | 4,8–6,0 V stejnosměrné (BEC/SBEC regulátoru nebo 4–5čl. Rx aku NiCd/NiMH) |
Rozměry | 92×52×6 mm |
Hmotnost | 26 g |
Přední panel
- Nahoru/Dolů ⯅/⯆ tlačítko: pro zvolení programové funkce, kterou chcete nastavovat.
- Vlevo/Vpravo ⯇/⯈ tlačítko: pro zvolení hodnoty nastavované funkce.
- OK tlačítko: pro potvrzení provedené zněny nastavení a k jejímu odeslání do regulátoru.
- Reset tlačítko: stiskem vrátíte všechna nastavení regulátoru na výchozí tovární hodnoty.
Programovatelné funkce regulátorů KAVAN
Brzda: Zapnuta/Vypnuta
- Zapnuta: po stažení plynu na minimum se motor zabrzdí. Vhodné u motorových větroňů se sklopnou vrtulí, která se po zabrždění může sklopit.
- Vypnuta: po stažení ovladače plynu na minimum se motor a vrtule volně protáčejí. Vhodné pro klasické motorové modely.
Typ akumulátorů: LiPo nebo NiCd/NiMh ==== Způsob odpojování motoru: Omezení výkonu/Tvrdé vypnutí ====
- Omezení výkonu: Jakmile napětí pohonného akumulátoru poklesne na nastavenou mezní hodnotu napěťové ochrany PCO, regulátor začne omezovat výkon motoru.
- Tvrdé vypnutí: Jakmile napětí pohonného akumulátoru poklesne na nastavenou mezní hodnotu napěťové ochrany PCO, regulátor okamžitě vypne motor.
Napěťová ochrana: (Nízká/Střední/Vysoká) ====
- Pro lithiové akumulátory: je počet článků stanovován automaticky. Prahové napětí pro úrovně ochrany Nízká / Střední / Vysoká je 2.85V/3.15V/3.3V na článek. Například: pro 3S LiPo sadu při „Střední“ úrovni PCO ochrany je koncové napětí 3 × 3.15 = 9.45 V.
- Pro NiMH akumulátory: jsou úrovně ochrany Nízká / Střední / Vysoká 0%/50%/65% počátečního napětí sady po připojení k regulátoru; 0% znamená, že je ochrana vypnuta. Např.: plně nabitý 6-čl. NiMH akumulátor bude mít napětí 6 × 1.44 = 8.64 V. Při „Střední“ úrovni ochrany bude vypínací napětí 8.64 × 0.50 = 4.32 V.
Soft Acceleration Startup: Normal/Soft/Very Soft ==== Normal mode is suitable for fixed-wing aircraft. Soft or Very Soft modes are suitable for helicopters. The initial acceleration of the Soft and Very Soft modes is slower, it takes 1.5 seconds for Soft startup or 3 seconds for Very Soft startup from initial throttle advance to full throttle. If the throttle is completely closed (throttle stick moved to bottom position) and opened again (throttle stick moved to top position) within 3 seconds after the first startup, the re-startup will be temporarily changed to normal mode to get rid of the chance of a crash caused by slow throttle response. This special design is suitable for aerobatic flight when quick throttle response is needed.
Timing setup: Low / Middle / High ====
- Low (3.75°) – Setting for most 2 pole motors.
- Middle (15°) - setting for motors with 6 or more poles.
- High (26.25°) - setting for motors with 12 or more poles, outrunners
In most cases, middle or low timing works well for all types of motors. However, for high efficiency, we recommend the Low timing setting for 2 pole motors (generally, in-runners) and middle timing for 6 poles and above (generally all outrunners). For higher speeds, High timing can be set. Some motors require different timing setups therefore we suggest you follow the manufacturer-recommended setup.
Music/LiPo Cells: Not used.
Option: Reserve. Not used.
Wiring sequence
- Disconnect the main battery pack from the ESC
- For the KAVAN ESC (with a built-in BEC), please disconnect the Rx cable (trio wires) of the ESC from your receiver, and then connect it to the program card at the top right corner position marked with “BEC”.
- Connect the main battery pack to the ESC
- The LEDs on the program card will light to show the current programmable values of the ESC.
Click the Up/Down ⯅/⯆ button to select the programmable item, the corresponding LED will blink. Then click the Left/right ⯇/⯈ button to select the options for this item. The flashing LED shows the value you are just selecting. Finally, click the "OK" button and the blue LED "Connecting" will blink, which means the new settings are being transmitted to the ESC. When the data transmission is finished, the blue LED stops blinking. That means the new settings are accepted and stored in the ESC.
Safety precautions
- Do not install the propeller (fixed wing) or drive pinion (helicopter) on the motor when you test the ESC and motor for the first time to verify the correct settings on your radio. Only install your propeller (plane) or pinion (heli) after you have confirmed that the settings on your radio are correct.
- Never use ruptured or punctured battery cells.
- Never short circuit battery or motor terminals.
- Always use proper insulation material for cable insulation.
- Always use proper cable connectors.
- Wrong battery polarity will damage the Card and ESC and void the warranty.
- Use only batteries that are supported by the Card and ESC and ensure the correct polarity before connecting.
- Handle your model with extreme care once the battery pack is connected and keep away from the propeller at all times. Never stand in line or directly in front of any rotating parts.
- Do not immerse the Card under water, do not allow it to get wet while powered up.
Recycling and waste disposal note (European Union)
Electrical equipment marked with the crossed-out waste bin symbol must not be discarded in the domestic waste; it should be disposed of via the appropriate specialised disposal system. In the countries of the EU (European Union) electrical devices must not be discarded via the normal domestic waste system (WEEE - Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Directive 2012/19/EU). You can take your unwanted equipment to your nearest public collection point or recycling centre, where it will be disposed of in the proper manner at no charge to you. By disposing of your old equipment in a responsible manner you make an important contribution to the safeguarding of the environment.
EU declaration of conformity (European Union)
Hereby, KAVAN Europe s.r.o. declares that the KAVAN Programming Card is in compliance with the essential requirements as laid down in the EU directive(s) concerning electromagnetic compatibility. The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available at http://www.kavanrc.com/doc/.
The KAVAN Europe s.r.o. products are covered by a guarantee that fulfils the currently valid legal requirements in your country. If you wish to make a claim under guarantee, please contact the retailer from whom you first purchased the equipment. The guarantee does not cover faults which were caused in the following ways: crashes, improper use, incorrect connection, reversed polarity, maintenance work carried out late, incorrectly or not at all, or by unauthorised personnel, use of other than genuine KAVAN Europe s.r.o. accessories, modifications or repairs which were not carried out by KAVAN Europe s.r.o. or an authorised KAVAN Europe s.r.o., accidental or deliberate damage, defects caused by normal wear and tear, operation outside the Specification, or in conjunction with equipment made by other manufacturers. Please be sure to read the appropriate information sheets in the product documentation.