Translations:KAVAN Alpha 1500 V2 - Instruction manual/207/sk
Ako sa model riadi?
Na rozdiel od auta alebo lode sa lietadlo pohybuje v trojrozmernom priestore a preto je účinok kormidiel iný, ako keď otočíte volantom alebo kormidlovým kolesom. K zatočeniu tiež nestačí len obyčajné vychýleniu smerovky na príslušnú stranu. Ďalej tiež si treba uvedomiť, že riadenie modelu je proporcionálne, to znamená, že úmerne vychýleniu ovládača sa vychyľuje aj príslušné kormidlo alebo pridáva či uberá plyn. Potrebné výchylky pák ovládačov sú väčšinou len veľmi malé, nie doraz-doraz. Elevator controls the model in the vertical axis. Push up the elevator and your model’s nose will rise (and the model will climb if it has sufficient power). Pull down the elevator and your model will descend. Please note that your model can only climb if it has sufficient power applied. Your model will not necessarily climb simply because you have pushed up the elevator, and will normally need full power applied for a safe gentle climb. If the climb angle is too great, or the power applied is insufficient, your model will lose flying speed until the minimum (stall) speed. At the stalling speed (when the airflow starts to break away from the upper surface of the wing), your model will start to feel as though it is not responding as normal to control inputs, and then drop with little warning – apply down elevator to regain flying speed and full normal control.