Translations:KAVAN R8 - User manual/45/cs

From KAVAN RC Wiki
Revision as of 08:50, 18 March 2024 by Mrs. Kavan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Vlastní:''' the receiver maintains the deflection value on all channels as you pre-select it. Select the Fail-safe setting menu. Switch from Disconnect/Hold/Not set to "Custom". Select the channel for which you want to set fail-safe deflections and confirm the selection. Then set the deflections on each desired channel and confirm the selection. Wait 9 seconds for the Fail-safe setting change to take effect. '''Note:''' Přijímač udržuje hodnotu výchylek na vše...")
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Vlastní: the receiver maintains the deflection value on all channels as you pre-select it. Select the Fail-safe setting menu. Switch from Disconnect/Hold/Not set to "Custom". Select the channel for which you want to set fail-safe deflections and confirm the selection. Then set the deflections on each desired channel and confirm the selection. Wait 9 seconds for the Fail-safe setting change to take effect.

Note: Přijímač udržuje hodnotu výchylek na všech kanálech takovou, jakou předem zvolíte. Zvolte nabídku nastavení Fail-safe. Přepněte z Odpojit/Držet/Nenastaveno na „Vlastní“. Zvolte kanál, u kterého chcete nastavit nouzové výchylky a potvrďte volbu. Poté nastavte výchylky na každém požadovaném kanálu a potvrďte volbu. Počkejte 9 sekund, než se projeví změna nastavení Fail-safe.